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Are you ready to revolutionize the way your wholesale customers order from you, from just $49 per month?

  • Use your existing website for your B2B customers
  • Let your customers place and manage orders online
  • Empower your sales team with sales agent ordering
  • Automate previously manual tasks, and much more!

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Innovation and increased AOV - Dutyman’s heavy-duty B2B solution

Lucy Vinestock, Marketing Manager

April 26, 2024
Customer Success
Innovation and increased AOV - Dutyman’s heavy-duty B2B solution




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B2B setup

Hybrid B2C & B2B


Dutyman is a family-owned brand manufacturer dedicated to providing quality products to US law enforcers, firefighters, and those who protect and serve. Passed between generations for over 30 years, Dutyman have remained committed to superior customer service across their B2C and B2B sales. Through SparkLayer, they’ve been able to optimise their B2B offering while staying true to their core values.

SparkLayer + Ennis Fabrics

The challenge

Dutyman were initially running their B2C and B2B sales through two separate channels, with legacy websites set up for both customer bases.

Their B2B website had been built by a former employee and, while it delivered on their basic needs, Dutyman wanted to replicate a typical B2C customer experience for their wholesale customers. They also wanted to reduce their reliance on an in-house system and create a seamless experience that went beyond purely transactional selling. Ease of use and UX/ UI were paramount when updating their B2B solution.

Dutyman wanted to combine their two websites into one but were struggling to find a platform that enabled this without extensive coding updates or monthly fees. They were using Shopify to power their online sales and didn’t want the added hassle (and cost) of two separate websites.

The solution

Dutyman started using Shopify to power their hybrid sales, merging their branding and two domains into one new site. This was largely driven by a desire to prioritise their B2B customer experience, which had been lacking on their legacy site. They also wanted a minimal tech stack to simplify their processes, which is where SparkLayer came into play.

SparkLayer provided a foundation for Dutyman to sell to their wholesale customers, with customer groups, bespoke product and price lists, and B2B ordering and shipping features.

They’re now able to establish order rules (like min/ max price and volume parameters for specific products and distributors), as well as provide various payment options for their B2B customers across the globe. SparkLayer’s simple approach to B2B eCommerce meant that Dutyman were up and running quickly, with minimal disruption to their day-to-day operations.

SparkLayer + Ennis Fabrics

We also implemented permission settings within their Sales Agent setup, which has had a positive impact on Divine Essence’s operational efficiency, with various levels of access applied based on user role types. Different team members have the ability to perform varying tasks on behalf of their customers, from adding items to baskets to placing orders and updating product prices.

The results

Dutyman’s biggest driver for creating a new B2B eCommerce solution was customer experience. They wanted to provide the easiest, most frictionless journey possible for their wholesale customers. Their customers who used their previous website and now order from the new Shopify store have given glowing feedback, referencing the ease of use and intuitive access to B2B features.

Dutyman also saw huge improvements in their levels of operational efficiency. The ability to automate certain processes saved them time and made resource management easier. They wanted to simplify their tech stack and reduce the time spent on maintaining two different websites.

Their AOV and sales levels have also increased due to the new site’s interface and added B2B functionality. Their wholesale customers are loyal, largely due to the quality of their products, as well as the enhanced B2B features now available.

“I love the energy and innovation that’s being offered… I want to provide the easiest possible kind of experience for our end consumers and our B2B customers - and I want it to be simple to maintain. SparkLayer gives us that capability." ~ Thomas Chow, Founder

Explore more

To learn more about Dutyman, their product range, and the story of their brand, visit their website.

To see how SparkLayer works with Shopify, you can explore via the links below:

Lucy Vinestock

Lucy Vinestock

Marketing Manager, SparkLayer

Lucy’s background in Marketing covers the entire eCommerce spectrum, and she joined SparkLayer in December 2023 to supercharge our efforts. From content and partner marketing to data analysis and SEO, Lucy is overseeing our full Marketing strategy. When she’s not colour-coding spreadsheets, she’s probably up a mountain, at a yoga class, or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
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